Passi avanti sulle biomasse in Lombardia: Fiper esprime apprezzamento

Se si parla di transizione energetica e di fonti rinnovabili, Fiper c’è: nella giornata di ieri abbiamo infatti partecipato alla riunione del Tavolo istituzionale dell’Osservatorio per l’Economia Circolare e la Transizione Energetica di Regione Lombardia. 
Esprimiamo apprezzamento per i passi avanti che abbiamo potuto riscontrare all’interno del PREAC (Programma Regionale Energia, Ambiente e Clima) nell’approccio al tema delle biomasse nelle zone alpine e pedemontane: siamo felici che si sottolinei lo stretto legame, da noi sempre evidenziato e ribadito, che esiste tra teleriscaldamento a biomassa, riduzione delle emissioni in atmosfera, prevenzione del dissesto idrogeologico e sviluppo locale attraverso un sistema virtuoso di economia circolare che proprio nei comuni montani e pedemontani può funzionare molto bene anche in Italia, così come in Europa, ed essere un vero motore di rilancio di queste aree e di lotta alla povertà energetica.

European Conference Biomass PowerON 2022

Registration is now open for the 4th edition of the European Conference Biomass PowerON! Taking place in Hamburg, Germany on 28-29 September, it will feature companies, commodity traders energy consultancies, regulatory and research experts, and many more. Organised by FORTES, the focus will be on using biomass in residential heating and power generation. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your products, attend workshops and network with industry leaders! Download the agenda here

Update on CEO Letter

The Secretariat has received an answer from the EC to the open letter that was sent to high-level EU representatives, urging them to properly include bioenergy in the REPowerEU Communication and signed by more than 500 CEOs and high-level representatives from the bioenergy value-chain. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.

AGRI Committee Approves New EU Forest Strategy

The Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) committee approved the new Forest Strategy passed with 30 votes in favour, 2 opposed, and 10 abstentions. The Strategy recognises the multifunctional role of forests and stresses the importance and diversity of EU forests, calling for sustainable management practices to be developed with forest owners. A vote on the Strategy is expected in the Plenary in September. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.


+ The ITRE Committee vote on REDIII is being held today and will be closely followed by the Secretariat. The draft proposal is an improvement from the Commission’s document; however, the Committee will not vote on any provisions related to biomass sustainability criteria due to ENVI’s exclusive competence over these sections. The proposal is expected to be put to a Plenary vote in September. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.
+ In today’s committee meeting, the ITRE Committee also voted on the Energy Efficiency Directive recast (EED) and adopted the opinion. The final text will be voted on in Plenary in September. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.