ITRE Committee Hearing

The Industry Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) will hold a hearing the proposal modifying the Renewable Energy Directive, Energy Efficiency Directive, and the European Performance of Buildings Directive on Monday 26 September. Amendments to the proposal must be tabled by Tuesday, 27 September. The meeting will also be livestreamed on the Parliament’s website. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.   

Council’s First Draft on REPowerEU Directive Revision

Bioenergy Europe obtained the leak of the Council’s compromise on the text revising the directives on renewables (RED), energy efficiency (EED) and the energy performance of buildings (EPBD). The text marginally modifies the definition of “preferred renewable areas” and “go-to areas”. According to the compromise, these areas where the installation of renewable energy is facilitated do not apply to hydroelectric power stations on top of biomass combustion plants. For more information, please contact Ennio Prizzi.

First LULUCF Trilogue

The first Trilogue meeting between the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission on the Land-Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) Regulation was held on 5 September. A 4-column document without the status of the current negotiations is available on the Council’s website showing the differences in the positions. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.  

Joint Letter with other RES Associations

Bioenergy Europe signed a letter to Executive Vice-President Timmermans and Commissioners Simson and Marija Gabriel along with ten other renewable associations calling for the Innovation Fund to recognise that renewables must displace fossil fuels. The ‘clean tech manufacturing’ and ‘mid-sized & highly innovative’ windows are particularly important for renewables and should receive more attention in the third call. For more information, please contact Irene di Padua.