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Joint Statements to European Parliament

Joint Statements to European Parliament

Bioenergy Europe recently sent a joint statement on the ENVI draft opinion calling for a revision that supports sustainable forest management and respects the subsidiarity principle, while avoiding market distortions, and unnecessary administrative and financial burdens, especially to small-scale actors to key MEPs in the ENVI committee together with the forest and forest-based sectors (CepiCopa-CogecaELOEOSEUSTAFOR). A second joint statement on the ITRE draft report calling for a revision that supports a stable regulatory environment without retroactive measures and avoids burdensome administrative requirements that would fail to deliver on sustainability was sent to key MEPs in the ITRE committee together with bioenergy end-users: CepiCogen EuropeEOS, and EHP. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.
