Kick-off Meeting of New Task Force Carbon Dioxide Removal

The first meeting of the newly established Carbon Dioxide Removal Task Force will be held on 8 February, 14.30-15.30. The meeting will focus on the choice of priorities for the work on the task force in coming months. If you wish to attend the meeting or want to receive more information, please contact the task force coordinator Michal Dlugosz.

Continued Outreach to MEPs

Bioenergy Europe’s Secretariat is continuing its outreach to MEPs on the Fit-for-55 Files. On Friday, there will be a meeting with the assistant of Patrizia Toia (S&D, IT) to discuss LULUCF and REDIII. She is a shadow rapporteur on the LULUCF file. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.

Reference Values for High Efficiency Cogeneration

On 2 December, Trinomics and the consultancy Ricardo presented the final results and recommendations of the study on reference values for high efficiency cogeneration commissioned by DG ENER. The reference values for heat and electricity production from biomass (categories S4 and S5) remained unchanged in comparison with the current ones. Higher efficiency rates were proposed to the solid fossil fuels category. The presentation is not yet available. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz.

Energy Council Meeting

The Energy Council met on 2 December to present progress reports on the RED and EED dossiers. Ministers discussed the revisions and many Member States called for greater flexibility and for more autonomy to be given to national governments in meeting the ambitious climate goals. Sweden, Estonia and Lithuania mentioned specifically bioenergy as an important source of renewable energy in their energy mix stressing that the use of a reliable and domestic renewable fuel should not be hindered. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.  

WG Pellet Meeting

On November 24, the WG Pellet meeting took place. It was held partly on-sight in Brussels and partly online. The presentation is available here. For more information, please contact Gilles Gauthier.

International Energy Agency releases Renewables 2021 Report

Today, the IEA released the Renewables 2021 Report, which is the IEA’s primary analysis on the sector, based on current policies and market developments. It forecasts the deployment of renewable energy technologies in electricity, transport and heat to 2026 while also exploring key challenges to the industry and identifying barriers to faster growth. The report forecasts a strong growth of biofuels by 2026, since the demand is constantly rising, despite rising prices and a huge decline caused by the pandemic in 2020. Read the Press Release and Executive Summary here.

Energy Council Meeting

The Energy Council has planned its final meeting of the year for Thursday, 2 December. The Slovenian presidency may present on the progress report for REDIII following the first reading, but the progress report may only be released after the meeting. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.

Letter addressing CEEAG

Following the leak of the interservice version of the Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines (CEEAG), Bioenergy Europe’s Secretariat has sent an official letter addressed to the Heads of Cabinets (Commissionaires for Energy, Climate, Environment and Competition) which expresses the sector’s concerns related to this file. A similar letter was sent to national associations, kindly requesting them to co-sign it and forward it to their respective national administrations. After having sent the letter, the Secretariat had a meeting with officials from DG ENER expressing concerns for the sector. For more information, please contact Michal Dlugosz.

BBE Event Sustainability in Wood Energy

The German Bioenergy Association BBE will organise together with the German Saw and Wood industry DeSH a seminar on Sustainability in Wood Energy on 7 December. This seminar aims to shed light on the requirements of the REDII sustainability criteria and their implementation in Germany as well as the implementation of the EU ETS. Our Policy Officer Daniel Reinemann will give a presentation on the current REDII implementation status in Europe. More information and registration. The event will be in German.