Nature Restoration Law Passed

After a last-minute change by Austria’s environmental minister, the Law has been passed by the Council. The law sets legally binding targets to restore 20% of the EU’s degraded ecosystems by 2030 and all ecosystems by 2050. Austria’s Chancellor has vowed to challenge the vote at the European Court of Justice, but the Council has affirmed its validity. For more information, please contact Daniel Reinemann.

Sustainable Forest Management and Bioenergy

On the week of the International Day of Forests, Bioenergy Europe presents its new paper exploring the links between sustainable forest management, the forest industry and bioenergy. The Symbiotic Relationship between Bioenergy and Forest Management in Europe aims to clarify common misconceptions, delving into key concepts like carbon sink, carbon stock and biodiversity.

Download the paper

LULUCF: what is in it for the Bioenergy sector?

The Land-Use, Land-Use-Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Regulation covers emissions and removals from land-use and forestry, indirectly affecting the bioenergy sector. The revised LULUCF entered into force in May 2023. Discover the main changes in the revised LULUCF, the possible impacts on the bioenergy sector and Bioenergy Europe’s involvement.

Download the Factsheet here

The Net-Zero Industry Act

Provisional agreement reached

The Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional deal on the ‘Net-Zero Industry Act’ (NZIA). The NZIA aims to ease conditions and provide certainty for investors and promoters of net-zero technology manufacturing projects. “Biomass technologies”, originally excluded from the Commission proposal, are listed in Annex X. The Annex lists final products primarily used in net-zero technologies. For more information, please contact Ennio Prizzi.  

Energy Efficiency Directive: what is in it for the Bioenergy sector?

The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) is the legislation setting the framework to deliver energy savings across the European Union. It establishes a set of thresholds meant to ensure a fully decarbonised district heating and cooling supply by 2050.

Discover the main changes in the revised EED, the possible impacts on the bioenergy sector and Bioenergy Europe’s involvement.

Download the factsheet

COP28 – Global leaders ask to break free from fossil fuels

Policymakers highlight the importance of defossilization to achieve net zero in 2050

At COP28 global leaders called, among other things, for:

  1. Transition away of fossil fuels energy systems to achieve net zero by 2050
  2. Tripling renewable energy capacity and doubling the average annual rate of energy efficiency improvements globally by 2030
  3. Accelerate zero and low-emmission technologies including carbon removal technologies

Bioenergy is key to progress in these calls. Help us spread the word by sharing and commenting on our social media posts.